The first church Jesse and I visited when we moved to Washington DC was the DC CRC. It was so hot that day, as all days in August are, and I was pretty sure that the white pants I was wearing would soon be transparent due to how much I was sweating. Needless to say, I do not remember too much about that sermon, save for a few words of the then Pastor Steen. I remember reading about Washington Christian Academy, and that the school was looking for teachers. I remember wondering if I should give teaching another chance in this new city.
After the service, I met Rachel Steen. I don’t make great first impressions because I hate small talk and my version of hell is standing forever in a church coffee hour, but that morning I remember thinking Rachel seemed like she’d be a good friend. Maybe the better way to say it is there was something about Rachel that made me want to be a nice, friendly person.
Rachel and I had a mutual friend named Emily, and one thing led to another and the best book club ever was born. It was called REC and you can read all about it here. You will also read about a woman named Helga, who was the greatest story tell in all the land. This essay is a tribute to Helga and Rachel and Emily. May you all know women as wonderful as them.
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