Some from before Christmas break, and a couple after.
Because mostly I wish I could say more than I do, and I feel bad about not being able to say (or write) what it is that would like to come out. Words take so much time. But maybe that isn’t a bad thing.
Because while I was partial to Wil Wheaton’s character in Stand By Me (after all, he was the writer), I appreciated Miranda July’s essay on River Phoenix and I know all my girl friends from Longfellow Elementary School would, too. We watched Stand By Me so many times in sixth grade, each of us internalizing it in a different way as we stepped into adolescence. I’m sad that the some of the boys in that movie, the guys that showed us a snippet of what adolescence was like, couldn’t survive their rebellions. I think the story they performed helped us in some way survive ours.
Because I found my New Year’s Resolution (more on that later).
Because I am thankful for a lot, but being able to sit with the events of my life and create something out of them is one of my favorite things to do. It’s troubling that some people have that taken away from them. This probably means I should stop assuming that she and I would be best friends if we met because not only did I marry the equivalent of Ross but surely she would see the similarity we have due to our Greek heritage.
Because everyone? The year is eight days old. What you’re dreaming of doing, what you’ve resolved to do, that thing will probably take a lot of starts and stops, lots of failures and mistakes if it’s an endeavor with any heft to it. Also, it won’t go away if you rest for a bit. Don’t stop trying, but go buy yourself a nice cup of coffee and read a book and take a break for a bit. Erin’s quote can be found here.
For an explanation on My Week in Words, go here.
I love this edition of “Week in Words” so much, Callie!
“Words take so much time. But maybe that isn’t a bad thing.” >> It is definitely a good thing, and completely worth the time, even if it doesn’t always feel like it or people call you crazy for spending that time one words. I have to keep repeating this to myself over and over.
Thank you for sharing these lovely snippets of life!
Thanks, Abbigail! It’s a nice practice for me, and I’m glad you are enjoying them.
Love that one about keeping my mouth shut. I was so quiet in school, but I’ve made up for it all these years later by talking too much when I shouldn’t. And this post is yet another reminder that I’ve never seen Stand By Me. Pathetic, huh?? (Though I love the song…!)
My problem is not saying anything then saying way too much after the fact. Oh well. Guess that’s what revision is for.
I haven’t seen Stand By Me in years, but I remember loving the movie all the times I watched it. I wonder what I’d think of it now.
love the style of these posts. keep ’em coming.
Thank you, Alison. It’s nice to have a place to collect all these words.