1. The table is finished!
Come over and sit at it with me. I’ll make coffee and we can tell each other stories. What’s your favorite book? We can start there.
2. My essay “Dodging Skittles and Other Fears,” is featured at Altarwork, a brand new publication that is interested in faith and the creative arts. What do you know? Me too! Have a read? I hope you enjoy it. I loved writing it.
You can only have 3 friends over though – still need some new chairs to go with it!
We’re doing a bench! I thought you said you were going to build me one next. 🙂
Both #1  are gorgeous. Well done, you two.
Thank you, Shani!
Love the table Jesse…and love the idea of a bench! Put the coffee on I’m coming over!
You are welcome anytime!
Your table looks amazing. Awesome job Jesse!! Loved your essay too!
Thanks so much, Marjorie!
wow, I didn’t know my brother was so handy. I hope I can come and sit at it soon with you! congrats on the essay too, how fabulous.
He’s handy, isn’t he? Come on over!
Would love to sit across the table from you! It looks fantastic! And congratulations on being published!
You’re welcome any time!
Callie, it is so wonderful to see your piece published! I can’t wait to have a writer’s group around that new table. Jess, get busy on that bench!
Thanks, Wendy! Thank you for your help with it this summer. And yes, Jesse, let’s get that bench set up!
jesse, how did you do that so fast? aren’t those kinds of projects supposed to take years? callie, loved hearing you read this piece and love that it’s published.
I LOVED that you were there to listen to it! And thank you for reading earlier drafts.