{savoring} those feet that don’t touch the floor yet. When I snapped this picture, it felt like someone pressed a pause button on my soul. I’ve been worrying a lot about what’s next with writing, and teaching, and then Harper starting Kindergarten. It feels like the end of an era. I’m excited for what’s ahead, but it is my nature to have a plan so I can be prepared for the excitement. “Control the fun,” like Monica Gellar says. But you can’t do that. You’re out in the world with your kids and you come home for lunch. One kicks her shoes off and throws her socks on the floor just like her daddy, and one kicks her shoes off and goes to put on purple socks just like…well, just like her because nobody else is like her. And anyway, you’re making peanut butter sandwiches and they are sitting there talking and you notice their feet freely swinging and you grab the camera and take a picture because good gracious, those cute feet don’t touch the floor yet!
{writing} my thank yous at graduation next week. Before each graduate reads, we get a chance to say thanks to those who have helped us with our words. There are a lot of you to thank.
{running} four thirty-five minute runs/week and one sixty minute run/week to get ready for the half-marathon my cousin Tara and I are running this October. I hope to increase that amount in a few weeks, but in Santa Fe I can barely breathe and I’ll be happy if I get three twenty-five minute runs in that week. My favorite runs are those that I can do in the morning while the neighborhood is waking up. It feels like I’m in on something with the deliveries going on, and the steam coming out of the bagel shop, and the stoplights shifting to the beginning of a rush hour schedule.
::Six Years Ago:: Goodbye, Friend.
::Five Years Ago:: Trying New Things. At Growlers, where new things ought to be tried.
::Four Years Ago:: Rollin’ in Rockville. Harper and I hang out while Hadley is off at VBS.
::Three Years Ago:: Worst end to a birthday party. Ever.
::Two Years Ago:: Writing about shoes before I leave for Santa Fe for the first time.
::Last Year:: And leaving again for Santa Fe.
What a wonderful picture to capture. It only gets better as they get older! Congrats on your graduation. I wish I could be there to hear your reading. Please consider a share via YouTube.
Thank you, Wendy. I’ll see what the option are for taping. I know there will be pictures, and I’d love to send you what I read. 🙂
OK, those little swinging feet are totally meant to be savored (excellent verb, btw!). And you get to thank the people who have helped you along the way at graduation? What a fantastic part of the celebration. Can’t wait to celebrate with you in a few weeks!
Thanks, Michele! I like that verb, too. And I am very much looking forward to celebrating and seeing you again very soon!