{enjoying} a ballet performance and a rainbow on the same afternoon. (Harper doesn’t usually dress like a Village Person but for some reason at this moment she wasn’t wearing pants so there you have it.)
{flying} to Whidbey Island today for my second to last residency. Next trip is to graduate. As I type this, I’m looking forward to a trip to Port Townsend to that cool bookstore and coffee shop I spent some time in last year.
{thinking} about the essays I’m to turn in to my advisor. My most solid essay took 10 years to write. The second most solid essay took 5 years. I love everything I’m turning in but the stories are all just not ready to be shown yet. Do you think they’ll ever be ready? I hope I can share them with you someday. I hope they’ll be good enough someday. I mean, I love that I can share some thoughts on this blog. I love that I can craft a little something about my day, but I hope someday I’ll have essays and maybe a book for you to read.
{listening and watching} to the Frozen soundtrack and the Frozen movie. If loving this story is wrong then none of us want to be right. We are hooked. The girls and I belt out “Let it Go” on the way to school everyone morning. Hadley had to tell me some of the lyrics: It’s “that perfect girl is gone,” not “that other girl is gone.” Yes, goodbye to perfection. Let’s create and clean up the mess later. I like that.
That’s all for now. Here’s what was happening a few years ago:
Six Years Ago: Hadley tries oatmeal for the first time. This video is one of my favorite’s of her ever.
Five Years Ago: Sweet Harper and tummy time. Lots of smiles and a funny video.
Four Years Ago: I love St. Patrick’s Day and this trip was so fun. If you’re in Montgomery County you should check this out. It’s a blast.
Three Years Ago: A limerick for St. Patrick’s Day. See? I love the Irish.
Two Years Ago: Here’s the post where I found out I got into graduate school. I was in Target looking at lip gloss when I got the phone call.
One Year Ago: Creative Arts in DC.
We are always our own worst critic! I promise the essays are ready ….
Thank you, Tara!
It’s cliche to say that our essays (poems, stories) are like our children, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true. I may never feel completely ready to send my son out, to be his own little person in a very world, but that’s what I have to do. Same thing goes for our writing. Like the song says, “let it go.” (Judging by the writing in your blog, you will be doing us all a favor by sharing your essays!)
That’s a great comparison, Jessica. You are right, they are very much like our children. And thank you so much for your encouragement!
Let it go, go, GO, Callie! You can do it. Enjoy your residency!
Thanks, Sarah! I’m doing my best to let it go! 🙂
I’ll buy your book someday!
Thanks, Sara!
can’t wait to read your book. happy to have been able to read those essays that you’ve been turning over and working on for years. and that picture of harper sitting in a vast empty ballet studio? beautiful. hope your time away is good.
Thanks, Alison. I should send you the revisions of those essays because they are SO different then when I first sent them.
i’d love to read the final(ish) versions!