{Changed} the positioning of the stuff on my desk. That’s what you do when you don’t know what to write. You decide that everything you own is in the wrong place or worse, that everything you own is not the thing you are supposed to own. Last week I threw out seven pairs of shoes, some jeans, and a few t-shirts. Jesse came home to see the piles of garbage bags in our entryway and said, “What’s going on?” I said, “My butt is too big for all of this stuff.” This is why there are crayons and markers at the center of my desk. Not because of my butt, but because I’m crazy and looking at crayons and markers makes me happy. Also, Jesse painted the mug on the right almost sixteen years ago. It was a Valentine’s present. I gave him a mix tape. (Kids, let’s bring back the mix tapes. Am I right? They are the best. I’m talking about tapes not mp3/ipod/whatever. CASSETTE TAPES. You can decorate the cover, write the names of the songs in cool pen colors. C’mon. It’ll be a new hipster thing. Hipsters are still around, right? With the mustaches?)
{Obsessed with} thesaurus.com. I’m not on Pinterest, I don’t read books or articles that are on a screen, I refuse to get an iPhone because a touch screen freaks me out and also because I love to press buttons (which is why I wanted to be a cashier girl at the grocery store), and I’m barely on Twitter (the bain of my existence). BUT thesaurus.com is the coolest website ever. I’m on it multiple times a day. It makes me incredibly happy to read synonyms for other words. Plus, there’s a word of the day (as I write this it’s “slake”), and quotes from famous authors (Jane Austen is up there today), and you can find out the year words came into formation.
{Getting ready for} our first Yoga and Creativity Happy Hour! If you’re in the DC area, you should join me and Shannon over at Opus Yoga. There will be yoga, and you can bring your own project (knitting, scrapbooking, journalling, etc.) to work on. I’ll also have prompts and ideas for those who’d like them. Here’s what a former participant said about our teaching: “Shannon and Callie’s teaching brought insight, stillness and freedom to my mind, body and work. I had no idea the class would be so helpful and fun. It can be difficult to carve out time for discovery, but this class was a reminder of how essential it is to be still and gain perspective. Shannon and Callie are gifted teachers! I was lucky to learn from them.” Also, we’ll have snacks and if you’d like, you can BYOB. Or W. Or whiskey sours. The possibilities are endless.
{Six Years Ago} Please Don’t Stop the Music. Hadley has her first club experience.
{Five Years Ago} Hadley goes ice-skating for the first time.
{Four Years Ago} DC got some snow. For real, snow, that is.
{Three Years Ago} UR GR8. For realz. You really are.
{Two Years Ago} A letter to the girls about trying and failing and trying again.
{One Year Ago} She Dances, Too. Oh dear, I love this one.
um, best comment ever for your class!! wow, makes me wish i could come. i need to do some serious carving out for discovery. you’ve inspired me. my new to do list: carve out room for discovery, get rid of clothes that don’t fit any more, make a mix tape and decorate it with my favorite pen. love you, girl!
If you visit on a Friday I’m teaching, you can be my guest. 🙂