I had some extra felt left over from my cute little garland I told you about last week, so the girls and I made these.
The idea came from a book called Green Crafts for Children by Emma Hardy. The subtitle is 35 step-by-step projects using natural, recycled, and found materials. I have no idea if any of our materials in this project are natural or recycled, but they were found at Michaels so I get points for that, right?
Here’s what you do:
Glue two pieces of felt together. Modge Podge will not work. Having a pear as a snack while you do this is optional.
Let the glue dry for a bit. If you want, you can use a little rubber band to hold the felt while the glue dries. You know what works perfectly? Those Rainbow Loom thingys. Don’t tell me you don’t know what they are or that you don’t have them lying all over your house. They are everywhere. They are taking over the world.
When you think the glue has dried take off the rubber bands and cut it into pieces. This is not easy. The picture in the book and the picture I am posting here make it look easy. It’s not. I broke my scissors cutting felt. It’s not like cutting paper, you guys. This is a totally different beast. Ms Hardy should say that in the directions of her book, I think.
Anyway, if you haven’t had to go to the ER at this point, you should have tiny little rolls that look something like this. Probably ours should’ve been glued better, but Hadley, Harper, and I are not the kind of gals that do things over when it comes to crafts. We like crafts, but we’re not doing them over. Actually, we’re not really the kind of gals that want to do anything over. In Hadley’s words, “Mama? Once I do something that’s it. I’m not going back.”
So you have your little rolls and then you can string them together and make a necklace or a bracelet. Perhaps an anklet would be cute.
It’s really only a matter of moments before Martha Stewart contacts me regarding my crafting abilities. Hold your breath, y’all.
will you come do crafts with my kids?
Hi Callie,
I enjoyed reading the fun ideas in your blog! Maybe I can use some of them in my classroom. Thanks!
Laurie Crespo
Thanks, Laurie! And thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.