The first picture is a response from a writer friend of mine when I was freaking out about being in graduate school. I said, “What was I thinking?!?!” She told me what I was thinking, and now it sits on my computer.
Some gifts for our niece from the girls. Her nickname is Lulu but I’m not sure the girls understand this.
Stuff from my Yoga and Creativity class that I teach with my good friend Shannon. Recently, I had the participants write about what they’re afraid of and then asked them to look for the beauty they found in that fear. I think they thought I was a little crazy, but they did it. This week, I made them each “Fall Manifesto” workbooks.
Notre Dame cookies. You guys, I make the best sugar cookies. This is a fact.
Sometimes we walk home from school and the other day, I bound together a bunch of pictures of leaves that Harper had in a High Five magazine. On our way home, the girls tried to match the leaves they found outside to their pictures. I love walking home from school, and I have to say, I just love my neighborhood.
Happy All Things Fall to You!
Callie, I love your thoughts on fear because I am such a fearful person. Perhaps, all people are fearful at some point in life. Anyway, now I will think of my fears as helpless princesses and misunderstood friends. Thank you for that!
I’ve never thought of you as fearful, Aunt Sara. Kind, thoughtful, generous, nurturing–all those things for sure. Guess we still have lots to learn about each other. 🙂 I do think fear is a good teacher if we can learn to listen.
Alison, maybe fearful was too strong of a word. Anxiety might have been better. I am a worrier. According to my Oprah magazine survey, I am a wise worrier!
Thanks, Sara. I get easily overwhelmed by fear as well. I’m learning though, that the trick is to not think it’s wrong to be afraid, or avoid fear at all costs. That seems to help me pay attention to it as a misunderstood friend.
Here’s a little secret: I’m terrified of hitting “publish” on every single one of my posts. I’ve been blogging for six years now and I click that button with a shaky finger and upset stomach every single time. I think, “This is probably the post where you reveal you really can’t write.”
Callie, you are brave for clicking the button and I am brave for admitting fears! However, I hope you never, ever, ever think to yourself again that you really can’t write. A great writer inspires readers to think, discuss, and write. That is you, my favorite blogger friend that I have never met yet feel like I know!
Thank you, Sara. I appreciate your kind words very much. Thanks for taking the time to write them.
Wait–Lulu is the nickname of the unborn baby or Lulu is her already decided upon name at birth? ‘Cause I think it’s cute.
I think it’s cute, too. Right now, it’s a nickname. 🙂
It’s a long story, but my fear turned into 3 beautiful grandchildren!
I’d love to hear this long story someday.
if you’re willing to share, of course…
And then tomorrow, KEEP GOING AGAIN!
Thanks, Andrea! I will. 🙂