Dear Hadley and Harper,
These are pictures from the boat ride to Whidbey Island yesterday. I took a cab, two planes, a shuttle bus, and a boat to get where I am right now. As you might imagine from the pictures, I am surrounded by water. I can hear the waves crashing on to the shore as I walk to meals, and there is a lot of moss and bright green around me. I will make sure to take pictures so you can get the lay of the land.
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to take a picture ride form DC to Newark, my first stop on the way to Washington. I had a great view of the Statue of Liberty. She was standing tall surrounded by all that grey-brown water, and boats. Even the skyline seemed brown yesterday. She stood out like sea foam and I thought this is a great bird’s eye view of what the very beginning of spring looks like.
I know I told you that I’m in school because I want to be writer, and that is why I’m on Whidbey Island, but I don’t think you know that I’m nervous and quite scared of this pursuit. I feel a lot like that murky mess I looked down on from the plane. But that’s why I’m writing you and showing you pictures, because I think there’s a lot to see through the murk. I think I’m OK sitting in it for a while and finding a bit of Spring.
Callie, what evocative photos. I love the image of the murk, staying in it for a while and seeing what swirls there. Makes me happy, too, to think we’re on the same coast:) Your girls are lucky to have a mom who is so open with them about the creative life and any meaningful venture of the heart.
Thanks, Lindsey. Paula and I had a nice long talk today, and she encouraged me to sit in the murk for awhile these next couple of months. She said, “It’ll be a real mess,” but I think it’s time to dig a little deeper now. Want to come over and have some coffee with me? I practically have an entire house to myself!
Will you be working with Ana Maria Spagna, Callie? She was associate editor for River Teeth for a while, and she is just excellent. I hope you get to see her! And if you do, tell her hi from Ashland. 🙂
Hi Sarah! Susanne Antonetta, Lauren Winner, and Paula Huston are working with the CNFers. But we got to hear from Carolyn Forche tonight. She read from some of her poems and they were beautiful. I think the readings are my favorite parts of the residencies.
Thinking of you and decided to catch up on your blog (because I’m supposed to be grading papers, so, you know). So excited for your trip; I know you’ll do great. Can’t wait to hear all about it, and keep you company in the murky mess for a while.
Miss you,
p.s. I made your blog!
p.p.s. Aurora is totally Sleeping Beauty
Cara, I had my “Last Skittle” piece workshopped. I made lots of changes since the last time I submitted to you guys, and this draft was my favorite (still, lots of work to be done).
Thank you for ALWAYS keeping me company in the murky mess. Miss you too!
PS – You made the blog before Tuesday’s post. It was more of an abstract reference, but you’re in there. 🙂
PPS – Sleeping Beauty! Of course! Thanks!
I hope the time in Whidbey is good. You know you can always call us and we’ll do airport pickup with nonstop service to the ferry, right? We’d love to see you!
Thanks, Keri! I’d love to see you guys, too! We’ll need to figure something out. This is a beautiful place!
hope you are able to enjoy your quiet thoughtful time.
It’s strenuous girl, it’s strenuous. I’m doing my best though.
sure, i assumed that. but hopefully also quiet. and thoughtful. it didn’t sound as good to say “hope you are able to enjoy your strenuous time.” 🙂