We made Valentine’s cards this week for our classmates. We’ve got class parties and Girl Scout parties to go to. Harper’s having two boys over one afternoon because their mom and I share a babysitter and we both volunteered to be in the classroom for the parties. Last time Harper had these boys over one of them left his pants at our house so it should be a fun time.
Those are spiked raspberry lemon cupcakes with spiked raspberry frosting. Yes they are. That’s what you do when you are reading Kristin Lavransdatter and it is 2,345,976 pages long. It helps you think about what you’re going to say about K-Lav when it’s time to say something about her.
And yes, that’s a Cinderella tattoo on Harper’s arm. We’re not sure it will come off. It’s been several days and several at least a few baths and ol’ Ella’s not budgin’. The other thing that’s intriguing about this tattoo is that I’m not sure where Harper got it, and when she had it put on. A few weekends ago there were three birthday parties that we attended so it must have happened at one of them but I just can’t remember.
I feel like I’ve just looked several years into my future.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you.
Um, yum?
I think they’d go well with that martini you posted on Facebook Thursday. 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Day, my friend! Again, you make me feel like a crafting slouch because I bought Joshua some $3.99 Valentines at CVS. 🙂
Oh, and his came with tattoos and I’m pretty sure they said you could get them off by rubbing them with baby oil. I’ll look it up for sure. Unless of course you want to have Cinderella around forever!
Yes, baby oil (or rubbing alcohol, but baby oil seemed safer to me).
Great! Thanks! Now can you come over and do it for me? Because Harper’s ’bout to have a conniption when I tell her Cinderella’s gonna go bye-bye.
Those cupcakes look delish. 🙂 Got off easy on the Valentine front, as my daughter’s class opted to celebrate the 100th Day of School today instead of a V-Day party. One card for the teacher and done. I like it! 🙂
That’s a brilliant school your kids go to! Mine were so out of control on sugar Thursday I’m pretty sure they were hungover all day Friday. 🙂
No surprise–you serve them spiked cupcakes, they come home with tattoos.
I like, just can’t, like, understand it.