enjoying – my new work spot at our local library. I walk over Starbucks, fill ‘er up, and head to the library. I feel like Meg Ryan in You’ve Got Mail when she’s going to work with her Starbucks and the Cranberries playing overhead.
trying – to do annotations on Kristin Lavransdatter. Have you read this book? That’s it in the picture. It weighs 17,567 pounds. And I know it looks like I have barely cracked the book, but I’m actually on page 5,678. There are 2,456,765 pages in it.
watching – a girl next to me painting. She has one of those paint templates out and she’s mixing colors then brushing strokes onto a canvas.
wondering – which aisle I will browse when I’m done here. I like to reward myself with a few minutes of careless meandering in the library after I’ve sat here for a time. Walking in between rows and rows of books makes me happy.
celebrating – well, Hadley’s celebrating her 100th day of school today. This is a big deal for her. So big that she was up at 5:45. In the morning. Talking about how excited she is because it’s the 100th day of school. I’m proud of her, though. She’s doing wonderfully with all this school stuff.
Posts from the past –
Five Years Ago – We went to Baltimore for a baby dance party.
Four Years Ago – Ice-Skating.
Three Years Ago – Talking a lot about the big snow storm that year. A great video of Harper having a fit as she gets into her snowsuit.
Two Years Ago – U R GR8. For Realz.
One Year Ago – Valentine’s To Do’s. To Dos? Geez. I should go back to school and learn how to write.
Love “You’ve Got Mail”! And both bookstores in that movie. The kid’s section alone in one of the final scenes makes me want to find that store…somewhere! 🙂 So great that you have your own space to work in at your library…looks cozy. And good luck with that book. I don’t think I’ve ever seen (let alone read!) anything quite so massive!
I know, they don’t make kid’s sections like that anymore. I was just in Barnes and Noble and sadly noted how many toys and how little books there were in that section. And the books they did have had some kind of toy or gadget attached to it. Annoying.
I love this post. Especially the page count of the book. Hilarious! Also, I might have to steal your look back at the past thing at the end – I love that too.
Thanks, Sarah! You should totally steal the idea because I stole it, too! The gal on Smitten Kitchen does it for every post and I thought it was such a fun idea I had to copy. 🙂
i’m going to warn that library to not let you get close to their copier!
Hahahaha! That was one brilliant move, wasn’t it?