I re-did a couple of bulletin boards in our home. I know, MAJOR home renovations. But the girls are into making these slap bracelets and beaded necklaces and I have no place to put them, so I painted and decorated a little bulletin board to hang them up. And I thought our big bulletin board in the sun room would be fun as a monthly project board. January was “Make Your Own Hot Chocolate Mug” month.
Remember how I said I was going to do yoga? I’m not. That lasted two weeks. I can’t do it. Or maybe it’s that I won’t do it. Either way, it’s not happening. I’m not going to stress about it because then I’ll have to do yoga.
I am baking. Those powdered sugar donuts? Yummy. And how adorable are those little pot pies? They are swiss chard, white bean, and bacon pot pies. I even made the crust from el-scratch-o. I found the recipe on Smitten Kitchen which is one awesome food blog. If you come over to my house I’ll make you one with a donut for dessert.
My kids love slap bracelets. Totally going to make them. Well, I say I will but then we get distracted. Oh well! I guess the thought counts!
Distraction is my middle name these days. And it’s all my kids’ fault. 🙂
Can I come over this weekend?? 🙂
Girl, you know you don’t even need to ask.
Hot chocolate mugs! Totally stealing that idea for a craft project tomorrow. It’s close to -40C (with the windchill) here right now…your skin literally freezes in less than 10 minutes if you’re outside. Thus…looking for inside activities! And do you have a link or some such to show how to make slap bracelets? My daughter would love those, too!
These were really a hit, Kelly! The girls have been working on them all month. I’m trying to think of something for Valentine’s Day now….should be easy, right? I don’t have a link for slap bracelets, unfortunately. We got a “slap bracelet kit” for Christmas. However, when we ran out of them, I just cut strips from cardstock and this seemed to make the girls just as happy. We put stickers, jewels, etc. on them and tie them with yarn. They don’t seem to care that you can’t “slap” them on themselves. 🙂 Have a warm and fun day!
I will be right over! Wow! Looks delicious!!!! PS… I don’t like yoga either. 🙂
I will get my donut maker fired up!
How fun and delicious.
I like the Smitten Kitchen too.
Isn’t she the best? You know what I love about her blog the most? She doesn’t post often, and what she does post, is quality stuff. And two, her kitchen is small (she lives in a small NYC condo, I think), but this does not deter her from making great food. She still lives large, which is very inspiring to me.
Can you come over and be crafty at my house? And maybe make me those pot pies.
I always have such good intentions about yoga too………but it kind of bores me. You can’t do yoga to Pit Bull or FloRida.
I will be crafty and make pot pies at your house if you teach me how to crochet or knit. Maybe quilt? I reeeeeally want to learn and you were the only one who came close to teaching me.
Now I would for sure do Yoga if Pit Bull or FloRida were the soundtracks. That would make a huge difference for me. Have you heard that song “Trouble Maker” that FloRida is in? I’m obsessed with the song. Which means I still think I’m 17.
Um, no! I must find this song you speak of!!!
I’d love to teach you to crochet! I don’t knit or quilt, though, so you’ll have to find someone else for that. Now you just need to move within 30 mins of me.
Can’t you do it over SKYPE? Hahaha! We could have Pitbull and FloRida playing in the background while you teach me.
oh yeah, Pitbull and FloRida….that’s why I zumba and WERQ.
p.s. Callie, WERQfitness just had its very first certification training in Maryland so you should look out for some classes in the near future. I think you’d LOVE them. 🙂
I’m SURE I’d love them! I will look for them. Thanks!
hahahaha! i love the comment about not stressing about not doing yoga because then you’d need yoga. those donuts look awesome. on my way.
I giggled at that line too. 🙂
You’re inspiring me with those pot pies! It’s one thing to see them on a food blog and another thing to see them on a non-food blog, if you know what I mean. It inspires confidence ; )
Hi Annie! Actually, I find that baking makes me feel like I’m getting something done. If I follow all the directions, usually, there’s a satisfying product at the end. This is not usually the case in writing. There’s more to explore, more to trash, more to improve, etc. So baking gives me a break from that.