Wearing: Apparently I have the same style tastes as a six year old girl. Here we are wearing red corduroys. You can say something when I start to think that those tulle tu-tu skirts all the four year olds are wearing might be an outfit option for me, too. This might happen. I love tulle. You know about my wedding dress, right? Let’s just say Scarlet O’Hara would’ve been jealous.
Organizing: The girls’ room. My goodness, there is a lot of junk in there! And do you know what we now have? Some sort of for real dinosaur eggs floating in a little aquarium. Jesse bought them for the girls for Christmas. I swear one day I’m going to walk in their room and there will be a T-Rex sitting on the floor eating Harper’s Cinderella doll. (P.S., Jesse, do you remember when you went to New Orleans when we were first married and told me to take care of your fish? Remember how I accidentally burned them? I’m just sayin’.)
Resolving: Did you make New Years’ Resolutions for 2013? You want to know a secret? I usually make mine in November. So I can get a head start on them. That way, I’m good and in the habit when January 1 rolls around. But this year, I wasn’t feeling it until precisely December 30th, 2012. That’s when I decided I should do yoga once a week. And also, bake something. I’m not a huge fan of yoga, but so far I’ve stuck to it. And so far I’ve baked donuts (that seems to negate the yoga, doesn’t it), and cupcakes. Both came from mixes so, go Callie!
Reading: Annie Dillard’s For The Time Being I love this line she put on the first page (from Evan S. Connell, Jr “Notes from a Bottle Found on the Beach at Carmel”): “Should I mark more than shining hours?” Yes, please. Let me be bold enough to mark the hours that I don’t think shine so much.
From January 5,2012: Home Improvement
From January 1, 2011: For Geoff – the picture at the end of this post is one of my favorites of my brother and I.
From January 4, 2010: Sing We All To Thee – Sigh. Good times with lovely friends.
From January 5, 2009: Cordouroy, Bert, and Calvin Klein – see Hadley holding hands with a mannequin.
From January 2, 2008: New Tricks – This was just a few days before Hadley was walking.
I like your idea of setting your resolutions early and turning them into habits by the new year.
I have been weeding out stuff and organizing like a mad woman!
It’s therapeutic, isn’t it?