I know in the last post I wrote about a writing goal of mine, and I am writing but I’m not writing well. When I’m not writing well I do things like stamp tissue paper. I also bake. Those blueberry muffins? I made those after I stamped tissue paper. Oh my goodness, they are so good. My writing is so bad right now but the muffins almost make me not care. So do the sugar cookies. Do you want to know how many batches of sugar cookies I’ve made since Thanksgiving? Probably 15. The cookies in the picture have a “d” on them for “Daisy.” Hadley is now officially a Girl Scout. Which means I need to sell 50 boxes of Thin Mints or what have you by January 21. Or maybe it’s January 18. I can’t remember.
Harper and I went to the mall recently and she found a bear she wanted to take home. Then she found a band that plays music when you press a red button several feet away. For a half an hour Harper ran back and forth, back and forth pressing the red button and then watching the bears play. This gave me plenty of time to think about all the essays I’ve started that are going nowhere. Since there was no baking or stamping to be done at a mall, I took pictures of Harper and just moments after I put my camera away an older woman walked up to me and said, “You should take a picture of her! That’s so precious. Really, you need to take a picture and write this stuff down.”
Fantastic idea, m’am. Maybe you can help me with my Creative Nonfiction, too.
I love how Harper stands with her legs all twisty. I’ll buy a box of cookies if it means I’ll get to see you again. 🙂
I thought that pictures was hilarious. I would love to see you again! No need to buy a box of cookies for that!
holy crap. i love girl scout cookies. and i want some blueberry muffins, while you’re at it. and don’t worry about your writers block–did i tell you that i haven’t yet written sarah’s birth story down because i haven’t found the right words? if i wait long enough, i won’t even remember it. those third kids get screwed…
Come over. I’ll make you some blueberry muffins and we can sit across the kitchen and write. That always worked in college, didn’t it?
Essays that are going no where? Just remember that first drafts don’t have to be good. (Even Anne Lamott says so.)
Anne Lamott has great advice on writing, doesn’t she? Also, her Facebook updates crack me up. They’re like blog posts! Yes, you are right. First drafts don’t have to be good. I did some revising today and am feeling better.