Thankful for: a Halloween parade at Hadley’s school just like when I was a kid, being able to stay for the party afterwords (I stood in the classroom watching 17 five and six year olds eat cupcakes, cheetos the size of my forearm, candy, and cookies. Nothing is scarier than the potential craziness that would erupt any minute). Friends to trick-or-treat with, my crazy witch and suspicious ice-cream cone, and….well, for those of you who might not know, that is my husband dressed up for Halloween. He’s a “greasy workout guy.” That is not his chest hair or headband. My only regret is that we didn’t get a video of him doing lunges while at the same time lifting two pound weights. I’d like to say that this is what happens to a person after working endless hours on hurricanes, but sadly, I can’t in Jesse’s case. One year he dressed up like Magnum P.I. and another year he wore a sleeper. You know, those pajamas with footies?
Also? That first picture is DIY Instagram. Here’s what you do: when it’s late at night and you want to get a picture for your blog, you just turn on a light in a room with lots of windows and blammo! you get that fuzzy faded look. See? You don’t need an iphone or whatever it is you kids are jazzed up about.
I really do enjoy seeing the creative costumes other people have the energy to do! Good job Jesse, and I would really have loved to see Magnum PI. And the girls look super-cute in their costumes.
I like the bulletin board! Does one of those papers say “boob”? I’m sure I’m missing something, but…..
Hahahahaha Valerie! That would be hilarious if that’s what it said. It’s “books.” But now that you mention it, I am thankful for a good boob joke.