You want to know which verse in the Bible makes me the most annoyed? It’s the one about Mary storing all those memories in her heart. I don’t know where it is in the Bible. New Testament, for sure, and I think it’s somewhere after she finds out she’s going to have a baby.
But Mary keeping all those thoughts to herself? Come on. Girl could’ve benefited from a blog back then, don’t you think? When I get to Heaven I’m looking Mary up and we’re going to have ourselves a sit down. There will be coffeeshops there, right? I KNOW there’s going to be wine.
All I’m saying is that I think mothers would appreciate some of Mary’s thoughts on being a parent. She was afraid, right? And maybe just a teensy bit angry? And I know Jesus never sinned but that whole business with him sticking around in the church and Mary and Joseph not being able to find him? I’d just like to have some one-on-one time with Momma Mary is all.
Except today I find myself sitting down to write a blog post and it happens to be October 23, 2012, the day Hadley turns six. And I’ve started this post about four times and I’m just not feeling anything of what I write. It all sounds trite. Or I’m not ready to tell you. So I think what I’ll do is pull a Mary and say I’m storing it up in my heart.
I’ll tell you this: the picture above? She wanted a desk just like mine so she set her lap desk up by the window, “So I can write like you,” she told me. One afternoon after sitting there for awhile she came out with a dazed sort of look on her face. “It’s hard to get it all out,” she said.
I know exactly how she feels. Mary probably does, too.
Loved this, Callie. Well done!
Thanks, Sarah!
This might be one of my favorite of your posts. It’s perfect.
I really appreciate that, Jeannine. Thank you.
Thank you.
I can relate. My boy turned five last week and I skipped the topic entirely on my blog.
(By the way, it’s Luke 2:19. After the shepherds visited the infant and spread the word about what the angels had told them, Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them…)
Thanks, Anita. I like the words “treasured” and “pondered.”
i’ve been doing a lot of mary lately. so many things going on; so little time to process. i’m sure i’ll find all kinds of time on my maternity leave with the new baby. wanna come over so we can journal together? love this post.
Yes, please! Remember those days? Those were great journaling days. I see you’ve moved to blog format as well! I can’t figure out how to subscribe. And I can’t comment on it either. I need to do something about that. 🙂
hmm, i don’t know how to comment on it either–i think you might need a gmail account. do you have one of those? i’m not excited about leaving multiply, but maybe this format will force me to do more journaling–which i miss…