When we first moved to Washington DC, I sometimes drove Jesse to work on my way to teaching. On those mornings, I always saw an man walking his dog down 16th street as I rounded the corner to head towards school.
I wondered, as I drove down Georgia Avenue, silently pleased I had a “reverse commute” (one that led me away from the city and its traffic), did this man have a cup of coffee and then walk his dog? And when he got home, what did he do? Did he pour himself another cup and walk out into his garden? Read a book? Does he write?
That would be nice, I thought. To step out into the world for a while in the morning, see what others are doing, greet the bus drivers, monitor the color of the leaves, chat and laugh with fellow mothers, and then go home to write.
So far, I am right.
Living the dream. Good for you!
Thank you, Valerie! Thanks for all your encouragement!
i’m pretty sure car seats only save lives when kids are strapped in.
the question i have is: can you stay in your pajamas for the entire morning?
How else will they learn, Alison? If Britney Spears can do it, so can I.
Yes, I can stay in my pjs allllll day. But the problem is, I’ve pretty much been doing that for six years and I’m kind of sick of it. I pretend I have a job and dress mahself up realllll nice like.
Mmmmhmmm…I totally agree! 🙂 (Especially when the writing is something of my own choosing!) Love the photos…they tell an enticing story all on their own.
Thank you, Kelly. The pictures were fun to take!
I love this post!!!!! 🙂 Fun.
Thanks, Tiffany!
Looks delightful! My kids can sense when I start writing and fill their pants or spill their drinks.
EXACTLY!!! That’s why I must wait until they are in the safe hands of someone else! 🙂
Good for you.
Interesting to see that you wrote on paper instead of the computer. Is that part of your typical routine?
Hi Anita! Yes, I always write on notebook paper first. Perhaps I should write a blog post about why because there are several reasons but mostly because it is very hard for me to “see” what the story is when I’m typing. I only type when I get to my second draft. Then I print that out and write over it with a different color pen for the third draft. For the fourth, I used another color pen, and so on.
It sounds like a good topic for a post.
I used to have to write my first draft on paper, but now I find it harder to do it that way. I usually give up and return to the computer.