For Hadley’s first day of Kindergarten, I made Whole Wheat Muffins from The Kitchn (a fun cooking blog from Apartment Therapy). I thought she’d like them for breakfast on the big day.
I also made Oatmeal Cookies with Toasted Almonds from The Magnolia Bakery’s Cookbook (well worth the purchase if you like to whip up a tasty treat for yo’ self).
I put a couple of those in Hadley’s lunch along with a note from me telling her I hope she has a great first day of school.
I downloaded Martha Stewart’s Lunch Menu Planner for Kids and hung it on our fridge. The girls have had fun picking out what they want packed all last week.
I think we’re all set for a good year. Although, I’ve already had to email the principal to say I’ve lost one of the VERY IMPORTANT PAPERS and could I please have another one? (I failed to mention that I am a former teacher.) She was very kind and said that would be no problem. Don’t tell Hadley about her mom’s mistake. She is so nervous that I am going to embarrass her. When I told her that I was planning on walking her down the hallway to her classroom the first day (a suggestion from the administration I might add) she said, “I think you should just drop me off at the door. I’m sure that’s what all the other moms will do.” After a pause, she said, “Are you sure you can’t just let me walk to school?”
Here’s a picture of the big Kindergartener with her sister on the first day of school:
She wanted to know if the reason she had to wear that t-shirt was because her daddy was going to Hawaii again to work on hurricanes. I said, “No. I thought it was cute. That’s why you’re wearing it.” She said, “Well, I’m going to tell everyone today that my daddy works on hurricanes.” I told her maybe wait until Thursday to do that….
These photos made my mouth water. I might have to make some kind of muffin now. Yum!
I highly recommend the oatmeal cookie recipe….you can totally put the dough in a muffin cup and call it breakfast. 🙂
Fun times.
Wishing you all a great school year.
By the way, I’ve been on the lookout for a good new muffin recipe. I’ll have to try the one you linked to.
Thanks Anita. The muffins were OK. Unfortunately, the whole wheat flour made them taste a tad like cardboard. Perhaps with a little butter and jam that’d be OK. 🙂
Wow! Kindergarten! We are too young to have children in kindergarten.
That is one adorable pic of the two of them! Love it!
You are right, Valerie. Nineteen is way too young for Kindergarteners. We do too much. College degrees, jobs, motherhood. All at such a young age. We need a break before we hit 30, don’t you think?
you’re right, callie. we are so accomplished! that being said, i’m glad that i’m the youngest of the three of us…
This is true. You still have a long time before you turn 30. I mean, you can’t even get a fake ID you’re so young! It’s too bad because you’d really enjoy the Boone’s Valerie and I drink.
Adorable! It’s funny how, even at such a young age, their biggest concern is about being embarrassed by their parent in front of their peers. 🙂
Loved all the photos. This post makes me nostalgic for long ago, when my little girl first went to school and I was figuring out what to pack for her lunch (that she would actually eat).
Hi Milli- Yes, Hadley is very concerned I will behave myself at HER school. She’s a very confident little girl. I love that about her….but I’m with you, I’d love it if there was a bit more variety in her diet. 🙂
also, never let my girls see that lunch menu thing. they will be so jealous.
Well, how’d that first day go??? (Yes, I’m a little overdue in commenting…O)