One morning, while the girls and I were hanging out outside, a yellow jacket flew by. I screeched, and it dropped dead. Just fell to the ground. No longer. Personally, I think I might’ve scared it. I think those yellow jackets know better than to mess with the lady who squashes them with her shoe when they fly into her home. Or maybe he was just being kind. “I’ll just save her the agony of having to end me when I enter her home. She’s such a nice person. Funny, too.” (New readers of this blog: I’m terrified of any sort of bee. I have about ten posts where I discuss my fear. I even wrote a letter to the yellow jackets. I don’t think they read it, though.)
Do you see it lying there? It is kind of sad, isn’t it? Except that it’s not.
Anyway, Hadley took note of the incident which prompted this discussion:
“Does everything die?”
“Everything living.”
“What about palm trees? Do they die?”
“Right, because they get cut down and then they die.”
“Then Harper adds, “Yea, like I have palm trees in my dino box.”
That seems about the right amount of mental and emotional energy one can give to this topic on a warm summer day, so I just left it at that: palm trees in a dino box.
Wow, the scream of death. Look at you. Don’t ever scream when I’m around, OK?
I love the twists and turns conversations take with little kids. Joshua always wonders why I laugh so much when he talks, but it just strikes me funny how they can turn a conversation to a completely different subject, but it’s all connected somehow.
maybe you should tell them about the time that you and jesse and damon thought the palm frond in the road was a dead body. see where they go with that.
That must have been a big palm frond.
It was huge, Valerie. The three of us were so freaked out and Alison was driving like a maniac. I wish I had it on tape because it was hilarious. You know who freaked out the most? Damon!
valerie–come on. when’s the last time you saw me drive like a maniac? they all just sat there wide-eyed and mouth-agape as i was driving at normal speed at this “body” in the road. and when i was about three feet from it (because floridians don’t swerve for such things), they all started screaming–which is alarming when you’re the driver.
All I have to say is that it was a dark and stormy night and Alison has a heavy foot. There is NOTHING that can prepare you for a palm frond. Fromd? What is it again? We have nothing like that in Chicago or DC. Maybe pigeons. Or politicians.
Hahahahaha! You know what? When they started talking about the palm trees, this is EXACTLY what I thought of. I still laugh thinking about that. Stupid city kids. 🙂