It all started with a pair of flip flops. I don’t have much self control when it comes to flip flops. I’m inspired when I look at them. The solid colored, the patterned, the glittery….they each open up a whole world of possibilities with what I could do with my wardrobe. It is quite possible that I could construct an essay about my love affair with flip flops. Hold the phone! I have to be prepared with some kind of project I want to work on when I go to Santa Fe in a few weeks. How hilarious would it be if I told my advisor, “I’d like to explore my intense interest in flip flops.”? I wrote a poem (an ode, really) about a Pilot Precise V5 pen. Surely I could write about flip flops.
But enough about me. Look what Harper found while I was looking at the cutest pair of tourquoise flip flops.
The girl’s a sucker for leopard print. She calls it jaguar print but whatever. She loves it.
“Oh Mama,” she says, “Wook at these bee-you-ti-ful shoes! I HAVE to try them on!”
“Harper!” Hadley runs over to her holding a pair of her own. “Those are fabulous!”
Hadley’s face is a mixture of, “Oh! the potential!” and, “How does one live in these?”
Harper, on the other hand, looks as though she’s found her purpose in life.
What kind of mother lets her kids put shoes on like that? Well, like I said, I was looking at flip flops. I’m not in a responsible place when I’m looking at flip flops. Hey! That could be the first chapter of my book! Whose TOTALLY gonna rock her MFA? Right?
Do you also wonder about the chicken in the pictures? Me too. Her name is Hilda and she belongs to Harper. She’s been hanging out with us recently although we’ve had her since Christmas. I think it’s a sort of summer fling kind of thing.
P.S. I bought the tourquoise flip flops.
YES!! I really dig Hilda. Let’s hope they make it official and she’s still around in the fall.
Hahaha! Herw’s hopin’ Andrea! She comes from good stock. 🙂
But did the girls get the jaguar print heels? Awesome! I’m a sucker for cute shoes.
I should’ve bought them for the girls….perhaps for Prom? 🙂 I have a pair of leopard patterened flats they can borrow. 🙂
This is all kinds of awesome.
Top o’ the mornin’ to ya, girl!
The Kardashians have nothing on those girls.
They really don’t.
I will choose not to mention the fact that my son, at that age, tried on high heels. (Oh, I guess I just did.)
Ah, flip flops, about the only thing I wore growing up in Phoenix. I’d get them at the Ben Franklin Five and Dime. I’d either lose them at somebody’s swim party or the strap would come out of the rubber. I put flip flops in the same category as umbrellas and sunglasses–they belong to the universe, and I’m just borrowing them. If one leaves me, I’ll just get another.
I adore flip flops, and I agree, they are a lot like umbrellas and sunglasses. Although, I am so so sad when I lose or break one.
“They belong to the universe” you say, Mr. Ross. Someone neglected to tell me this when I lived in Micronesia, where nearly everyone wears flips nearly all the time. One day I wore a new pair to a friend’s home where a lot of people were gathered. Of course, we all left our flip flops at the door. When it was time to leave, my new flip flops were no where to be found in the heap ‘o flip flops. Sadly, I ended up wearing home an old pair in the same color and size as my new ones had been. Talk about the short end of the deal.
I, personally, think you should have also purchased a pair of the jaguar prints…you would have looked fabulous in them…and hours of diva play for the girls!
I think you’re right, Nancy. Maybe I should go back and get them….like I need an excuse to go to Target. 🙂
Everyone should have a pair of turquoise flip flops. Or leopard print platform heels. Or whatever shoes give you that extra spring your step. I have long had a theory that “sexy shoes” don’t have to fit a conventional definition of sexy – they just have to make the wearer feel extra special when he or she wears them. Ping me when you’re working on your book. I’ll allow an interview…
I would love a quote from the lovely KTP! I’ll remember that! Thanks for stopping by!
oh, the pilot precise v5. you cannot go wrong with it. makes me want to sit down and write in my journal right now…
p.s. nice choice on the turquoise.
A V5 is inspiring, isn’t it? I need to stock up soon. And I highly recommend the torquoise flip flops. They’ll totally change your life.
I was in just such a store yesterday, trying on black flip flops. (Target shoe departments look the same from city to city, don’t they?) I left with buying any. Guess I should have looked at turquoise ones…
Definitely check out the turquoise, Anita. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed! 🙂
Love this. My girls are exactly the same way. If we shop at TJ Maxx they find the most stripper-worthy shoes to try on.
Ha! Stripper worthy shoes are apparently an important standard for our girls. It’s good to have priorities. 🙂
OMG!! I LOVE IT……… the flip flops are awesome and I totally think Harps could rock the leopard ( jaguar) print heels. Shes gonna have her own style … I can see the teen years already! !!
I think you’re right, Tara! She really likes “working with” the leopard prints. I can’t wait for high school. 🙂
haha, this is hilarious! While I perusing pinterest I found a layer cake that when cut, the inside was all leopard (jaguar) print and covered with pink frosting. My first thought was “I MUST make this for Harper’s birthday with BLUE frosting.” think she’d like that? 🙂