What you’re looking at in the above picture is official Banner stationary, and an official Banner business card for a newly appointed news correspondent. I done went and got a writing gig! Not familar with the magazine? Well, friends, that’s OK. Start with this article and you’ll be good to go. I know the author, by the way. She’s only mildly crazy.
Anyway, what’s cool about this job is that I get to come up with story ideas, and pitch them to an editor. There’s talk of “finding an angle” and suggestions about not just reporting the facts, but telling a story. You know I loves me a good angle. One whose rays slant slightly, perhaps.
The other thing I like about this job is the organizing aspect of it. I loved addressing the envelopes, folding the letters once, slipping in my business card, then folding the paper a second time before I sealed it in the envelope. I loved the sharp “clack, clack, clack” of the stack as I shuffled the letters into place. I didn’t just want to be a Luv-a-Bull when I grew up. Secretary was high on the list, too. At one point I figured I could be a secretary in the daytime and then perform at the Bulls’ games at night. It’s all just coming together for me, folks.
When I was taking the letters out to mail, Jesse said, “Whoa! How many letters are you sending?” I told him I had a list of sixteen pages of churches that made up my stack.
That’s a whole lot of searching for stories.
Here’s the picture the magazine will use when my name’s in print.
Look out, Ms. Dowd.
YAY!!!!! Congratulations! That is so exciting! Looking forward to reading many articles.
Thanks, Valerie! I’m pretty excited about it!
Congratulations! The Banner’s a great read…it’s one that’s always in my “keep this and read it” pile when I sort through the stacks of periodicals at work. And now that I “know” one of the correspondents, even more reason to check it out! 🙂
Thank you, Kelly!
Yippee!! Such good news!
I loved When Hadley Met Herod and, to my mind, you answered her questions perfectly. And how wonderful that she asked about Herod and you gave her *real* answers, not some air-brushed version. I never thought about Herod as not wanting to share. Too often, as sophisticated (?) adults, we relegate Herod and Judas (and David and other troubling Biblical figures) to their behavior and don’t look beyond it. In so doing, we bypass their humanity and our similarity to them. Calling someone a “bad guy” might be true, but it isn’t completely honest, is it?
Thank you, Lindsey!
I’m so glad you liked the essay, too. I was glad I had a chance to write it because it gave me a chance to explore my fear in identifying sometimes with the “bad guys.” I think you’re right, we pass them off as “bad” and it isn’t completely honest. I remember as a kid feeling so guilty and scared to admit that I felt sorry for Judas. I still feel bad admitting that, but to me, that’s what’s important to explore: the idea that we are bad guys but we are still loved. It’s a tough subject.
Can I borrow that sweater?
Of course. You probably bought it for me in the first place. You know what I wore on my feet? Those shoes with the yellow laces we got from Lori’s. Nice. I should’ve used the shoes as my head shot.
Cool! Congrats! When we were members of a CRC in Seattle, we got the Banner regularly. I know my parents still get it, so I’ll have to check it out and look for your articles. 🙂
Thanks, Marcia! Most of them will probably be on their website. I think when they’re “really good” then they’ll be in the magazine. I’ll have to work up to that. 🙂
My son had lots of questions about Herod too. One simply led to the other. Why was he jealous? Why didn’t he want anyone else to be king? …
Teaching these stories really does make us examine them in a new light. And I learn just as much or more than I “teach.”
Congrats, but the way. You’re certainly the right person for the job.
Kids ask the tough questions, don’t they? I was kind of at a loss when Hadley wanted to know more about Herod.
Thanks for the congrats! I’m excited about it!
YES! I love me some Banner and I’m glad you’ll be a part of it!
Thanks, Andrea! I need to read your articles, too. Do you have them on your blog?
dude. that is awesome. almost makes me want to join a CRC so i can get a copy of the banner. you’ll just have to send me your articles. i’m proud of you. we used to talk about being writers — you’re actually doing it.
p.s. when your mom is done with it, can i borrow the sweater?
You’re in luck because most of my aritcles will be on their website. Don’t you worry, I’ll post ’em here so you can click on over and read all about it. 🙂 Or you can join a CRC, too.
You can totally borrow my sweater. You just need to agree to start up our card/journal making store, K?