Remember that slight rant I wrote on guest posting? No? You mean you don’t remember everything I write about? Don’t you take notes or something?
Either way, here is where I write that I didn’t know exactly what I was talking about because, well, I’m guest posting on the blog Read.Learn.Write. I think you should click on over and check it out. After you’ve thoroughly read my post, you should check out the other posts as well because they’ll make you want to read a book. Or write one. It’s a nice place to spend some time is all I’m saying.
And in my defense of choosing to do this guest post, I just have to add that I queried, pitched, and gave an outline of what I would write about. Plus, I got paid to write it. I didn’t just say,”Hey! Like your blog, dude! Lemme on it!”
So I think I will literally eat my words….perhaps pair ’em with a nice Cabernet.
Also, I should’ve linked up more specifically in that post to those that helped me with my writing. I mention Glen Online classes and The Writer’s Center in Bethesda, MD, but I should’ve been more specific. So Lindsey Crittenden, Erica Perl, Paula Huston, and Patrick Ross: thank you very much for helping me with my words.
Of course I keep notes on all of your posts, Callie, I’ve just misplaced them under all of my MFA books and papers. Give me a minute here…
Congratulations on the paid (!) guest post. And thank you for a named shoutout, which isn’t necessary but is very welcome.
Ha! OK, Patrick, I won’t quiz you then.
Thanks for the congrats!
Callie, there must be something in the air because I was just thinking about the whole guest blog thing. My (totally uninformed) guess is that that first person who approached you was not a person but some kind of spam “entity.” Almost every week, about 2 seconds after I post to my blog, I get an email saying Tortilla Tom Really Liked Your Blog! 9 times out of 10 Tortilla Tom (or Lotsa Laughs, or Getta Girl, or…well, you get the idea) has absolutely nothing in common with me. So all I can figure is that it’s some spam thing.
However, Read.Learn.Write is certainly NOT spam, and I loved seeing your post there. And I loved working with you at Glen Online. And how great to be paid!!
Thanks, Lindsey! I think I know Tortilla Tom…he might be dating Getta Girl but I’m not sure. And I think you’re right: whoever sent me that request had to be a spammer. For the record, you can guest blog on my blog anytime. I’ll send you a giftcard for Pete’s Coffee. 🙂