Lest you think all we do is serious reading around these here parts, I will confess to the “beach reads” that the girls and I participate in from time to time. You know beach reads, right? Those types of reads that one might find herself getting to know a character named Edward Cullen, for example. Or, in Hadley and Harper’s case, Strawberry Shortcake and the My Little Ponies.
I’d like to state for the record that I detest the My Little Ponies. I detest them as much as my mom detested the Chicken McNuggets I begged her to buy from McDonalds when I was a kid slash high schooler. I wouldn’t eat her meatloaf, chicken, or pasta, but something that loosely resembles chicken? Gimme, gimme, gimme.
Every once in awhile I got to eat the nuggets and clearly I turned out JUST FINE so it is in that same vein that every so often Hadley and Harper can read My Little Pony books and watch the dreaded show. We’ve racked up about 700 miles since the Spring Reading Challenge began, so this week we read some trash.
Earlier this week during Harper’s nap, Hadley and I poured ourselves something chocolatey to drink and read some magazines. (Chocolate milk for her, a “poor man’s mocha” for me: one Starbucks Via, one packet of hot chocolate mix, hot water. I highly recommend it.) Hadley read her Highlights, which is not trash at all. She was busy reading poems about spring, and birds, and kids playing at the beach while I read People Style Watch. Note that there is a Sharpie pen in the picture. That’s because I mark what I like, then cut it out and put it in a notebook I call, “Stuff I Like, a.k.a. Old School Pinterest.” So there was some responsive/reflective activity involved. While I did that, Hadley would read a poem then look out the window at the bluejays building a nest outside and wonder if they had enough materials, when the babies would arrive, and worry that they’d be safe in the nook of the tree the nest is in.
So it’s the same, what we were doing.
Anyway, all this is to say that sometimes, here in the Feyen household, we like to kick back with some easy reading. Which is what we did this week. It was the equivalent to laying on a lumpy towel, swishing your feet back and forth in the sand, and listening to the waves crash nearby.
Rainbow Dash and Strawberry Shortcake would, like, totally do the same thing.
This post was very timely. Joshua’s Book Fair was this week, and he insisted that the book he wanted was Chuggington: Dinosaur (Something-or-other, can’t remember the title). Anyway…..dumb book. There were so many good books that would have done so much more for his little brain, but I compromised and got it (along with two that I wanted to get him). I guess I have read a few fluff books in my day, so I suppose it won’t kill him. 🙂 Oh, and I’d love to see your old school pinterest book sometime. I personally think that is much more fun than the online version.
Something tells me Harper would love that dinosaur book.
And I love my old school pinterest notebook. I’m not on Pinterest so I can’t say my notebook is way better except that I think it is. 🙂
So you HATE My Little Pony? Do you also cast scorn upon sunshine, rainbows, and the smiles of infants? 🙂
I have no patience for pretentious readers. Reading is about learning and pleasure, and I can find those in all forms of good writing. Kudos for embracing “beach reads.”
Patrick, if you saw these My Little Ps, you would hate them too. They are freaky! Not at all like the ones I grew up with. 🙂
I just got a summer reading list for the residency and it looks like my People Style Watch reading will be significantly reduced. I hope this literature I need to read doesn’t effect my sense of style. 🙂
Callie… I love reading your writing. I don’t know Little Ponies nor do I know what a Starbuck’s Via is. I couldn’t care less about People or Style Watch or what kids eat. But I get a real hit out of listening to how you put it all together. It’s your “voice”. Love it!
Thanks, PJ! I am pleased my voice comes out every now and then. 🙂
I hate the new MLPs too. We have about 40 of them from when I was growing up–the fat, cute, ho-hum ponies that don’t like anime pornstar ponies. We only have one book that was a hand me down from my niece, but it goes into bed with her at night. Sigh.
Becky, you said what I was too afraid to say: they ARE pornstar ponies. What is the deal with that?
You know, My Little Ponies have a large adult male audience. I believe they call themselves “Bronies”
I just started my binder of things I like from magazine and websites – recipes, activities, crafts for kids, places to go. I like to flip through something tangible when I need an idea, it just feels different.
Ah, Jennifer, a girl after my own heart. Flip through something TANGIBLE. Exactly!!!! Thanks for the comment!
dude. get on pinterest. you’ll love it. 🙂 love how you ended this piece!
and, valerie, i have given into naomi and gotten some princess books at those book fairs. ugh.
Why do those fairs sell that stuff in the first place? I get suckered in as well and then bang my head against the wall because those books are what they want to read every. single. night.
Girl, you need to get on board with my old school pinterest. You know you want to.
you know i’d love “pinterest–old school”. some good tape, a fine marker; maybe some little sticker tabs to separate out sections…
NOW you’re talkin’! Great. Now I have to make a trip to Target to get sticker tabs…..