When I was growing up, I heard a lot about how bad MTV was for the kids. Watching too much Kid ‘N Play can harm the brain. Something about that guy’s hair and how high it was caused confusion in teenage brains, thus being unable to carry on a conversation or execute algebra problems.
The same thing happens when you become a parent. Here are some recent conversations that I have been involved in with Hadley and Harper. I’m mixing them in with pictures so you can get the full MTV effect. You can play some music while you read and listen if you like.
“Mom, my hair is getting so long. There’s something wrong with my life cycle.”
“Mommy, what are you drawing?”
“I’m not sure yet?”
“Hadwee, what are you drawing?”
“A bat.”
“What are you drawing, Harper?”
“I’m drawing a something.”
Here’s a real gem: One morning, when we were getting ready to go downstairs to wait for Hadley’s carpool to school, Harper said she didn’t want to go down with us. The girls were both coloring and apparently Harper didn’t want her work interrupted. However, I said I wanted her to come down with us and besides, didn’t she want to say hello to Maya?
“No. I’m not coming with.”
Always the problem solver, Hadley laments, “If only lying weren’t wrong.”
It’s always best to not probe further when hearing a thought like this. But I haven’t learned that lesson yet. “Why?” I ask Hadley.
“Because then we could just say that Harper is dead and she wouldn’t have to come downstairs.”
“Yea, Mommy. Just tell them I’m dead.” Harper says coloring away at her picture.
“OK, well, what happens when Harper is in the car when we go to pick you and Maya up from school?”
Hadley stops coloring and looks at me. “Oh. Right. That would be a disaster.”
So, good. Lying = Bad.
And here’s a final one. It has to do with potty training so perhaps you want to take the same tactic as my superbuns post. Also, I’ll preface this by saying that Hadley and Harper compete over everything.
Hadley and Harper are using the bathroom together one afternoon (you can do that when one of the toilets is an Elmo potty). Harper says, “Hadwee, are you going to go pee-pee or poo-poo?”
“I don’t know, Harper.”
“OK, well, tell me when you know because I went both and so far I’m winning.”
Some time passes and Hadley says, “Harper, I went both.”
“How many poops do you have?”
“Great. That’s 5 points.”
On second thought, I say bring on the MTV.
Oh I enjoyed every one of these little dialogues. Jackson and Emmy are getting closer but since Em isn’t really talking as much as yet, I have yet to hear more than one side of the conversation. I can’t wait for this stuff! 🙂 Your girls are too cute
Thanks for the laugh! I am always amazed (and perhaps a little puzzled!) at the conversation topics that come up in a house with young kids. 🙂 Only here will you here us calmly discuss who did what in the bathroom today…at the supper table!
Wait, I’m confused. I think it shouldn’t just be about the number of poops but the size. I mean, can I earn a 10 pointer? (Did I just cross the line? Sorry, I need answers. I’ll just ask Harper for clarification when I see her next month.)