The nice think about this blog is you are just not sure what you are going to get when you come visit. Is Callie going to talk about gym shorts? Will she talk about the time she called an elderly lady a jerk? Perhaps you’ll stop by and read about Harper squashing a caterpillar on a warm spring day. The possibilities are quite endless.
Today I’m going to talk about some Valentine’s Day crafts we have planned over in the Feyen household. Jesse and I are the parents of party girls. The H’s like to party. And they like to talk about partying. And they like to plan what’s going to happen at the party. So the girls and I made a list of things to do in February while we wait for Valentine’s Day to arrive.
Because nothing says, “F-U-N” like making a list complete with boxes to check off each activity. So we can make sure we had fun. So we can grow up to be not weird at all.
Hadley and Harper wanted to make lists, too. Here’s Hadley’s:
“Look for things that are red and pink.” Good idea. There should be plenty of that to find around this time of year.
Here’s Harper’s:
Can I reflect on this for a minute? Why are no boys allowed until Valentine’s Day? And what happens when they arrive on Valentine’s Day? Should I be concerned? Alarmed? Where did she come up with this rule? Not me. I’ve never said anything about boys before or after Valentine’s Day. Perhaps I need to.
At any rate, we made ourselves a Valentine flag to put on the high counter in our living room.
First, you decorate some hearts.
Feel free to write your name, or the name of your boyfriend. I’m not sure anymore with Harper.
Then glue the hearts onto paper flags.
What’s up, eyelashes?
I’d like to stray away from the subject of this post for a moment and tell you all how concerned I am about Bear. He is not looking good. At all.
Anyway, string those flags through some yarn, hang it up, and you’re good to go.
i love harper. attagirl–no boys until valentines, and then all the boys she wants! (by the way, i’m totally stealing your flag idea.)
Oh, geez, I laughed out loud. What will you do when the armada of BOYS comes knocking on your door next week? I hope you’ll have snacks for them. Or possibly lists of jobs to complete.