I’m not sure when one declares herself a soccer mom. Is that a generic term for a mom who takes her kids to various activities, or is SOCCER MOM the all important brand only specified for soccer? I learned to be careful when it comes to soccer. Apparently you can’t just throw that word around casually. Once, when I was in high school getting ready for Drill Team practice, a soccer player walked up to me, looked me over and said, “Umbros are a privilege. Not a fashion statement.” Please. This chick clearly knew nothing about fashion. I was only wearing Umbros because my gym shorts were dirty.
At any rate, for an hour a week, the H’s hang out on a field and kick a #3 soccer ball around it while I sit on the bleachers and look around to see who’s wearing Umbros and who is dressed like Zooey Deschanel.
Here’s the coach modeling how to get a good stretch in before actually playing the game. Look how well Harper’s following along.
Here she is learning how to dribble. Harper is a mad dribbler. Ol’ girl is FOCUSED. She is not about speed – she’s about staying in a straight line and kick, kick, kicking it to the destination. She’ll get there when she gets there, and a pox on anyone if you take that ball away or tell her to hurry it up.
Hadley, on the other hand, is all about speed. She doesn’t care about technique. The girl wants to run. Also, she doesn’t get the whole “teammate” thing. Basically these other kids are just slowing her down and getting in the way of her kicking the ball.
This poor coach. I’m pretty sure this was the longest hour of his life.
I think they show some promise, though, no? Then again, what do I know? I’m looking at this picture and thinking perhaps I should’ve put Hadley in a different color pair of pants for a pop of color. Purple and black are so dark. Perhaps I should see what kinds of Umbros they have for sale these days.
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