I got to take four little girls home from school yesterday.
Four little happy campers walking out of school and into my car. We held hands and made a train out to the car – big sisters holding little sisters hands. One little sister had to hold her mommy’s hand too, and that was just fine with me.
Four conversations going on at the same time directed at who I’m not sure, but it was lively making sure everyone was buckled in.
On the radio “Suddenly I See” by Kt Tunstall played and I had to turn around from the driver’s seat and take a picture while these words played over the speakers:
She fills up every corner like she’s born in black and white
Makes you feel warmer when you’re trying to remember what you heard
She likes to leave you hanging on her word
I had to capture that perfect moment because as soon as I pulled away from school, these beautiful girls had a contest to see who could scream “poop” the loudest.
I love this moment. I love it more that they were shouting “poop”! 😉
LOL! Callie, your blogs always make my day! Thanks!
how much of a pain in the ass is it to get four kids buckled in a car? i grumble nearly every time i do it (in between when i am telling them, “get in your seat; no, that’s not your seat; let go of his head; stop picking your nose; why aren’t you in your seat yet; don’t touch that button; do you want me to just leave you here because i will…”). this seems like a better approach. though i think i might take a photo every time and see what percentage of the time i have at least one in tears. someday i’ll long for these days. tonight, i’ll drink some wine.