“Cutting out pictures of things that I like.”
“So you can buy them?”
“Yea, or see if I have something similar already.”
Hadley picks up a picture of a Cover Girl Blush and says, “Ooooo! This is pretty. It’s pink. Where can you get this?”
“It says you can buy it at a drugstore.”
“A drugstore? What’s a drugstore?”
“It’s a place where you go and get things like cough medicine and band-aids. But one day, someone decided that it would be a lovely idea to put toys and lip gloss and fun things like that in drugstores and that’s how Target was born.”
Cute. But the question is, what project is Hadley working on? It looks interesting!
I love these simple, quiet conversations. I hope she gets the pink lipstick!
Target is very, very important. Good lesson.