Last year I wrote about a friend of Hadley’s that I named Bud. He’s still around and I’m learning what a nice guy “Bud” is. Certainly not the kind of person you should make rumors about regarding the number of toes he has.
For example, Hadley told me the story about the time Bud picked her hat up for her from the gutter while they were standing in line at carpool.
“I dropped my hat and he picked it up for me.”
“That was nice.”
“Yes. He picked it up for me because it was in the gutter and you told me I am NEVER supposed to go in the gutter.”
This is true. I did tell her this. I didn’t, however, tell her to get other kids to put themselves in danger’s way and fetch her stuff.
“That’s what I told him! I said, ‘Bud! My hat is in the gutter and my mommy won’t let me go in the gutter!’ So he went and got it for me.”
OK, so the new rule is: Don’t go in the gutter and don’t persuade your friends to go in the gutter either.
I also learned that Hadley and “Bud” like to play on the playground together. One morning I asked Hadley if she was excited about going to school that day. She said yes and after a pause said, “And this time I’ll remember to not go up the slide. I forgot that was a rule.”
“OK,” I say wondering how many times a kid can get away with saying, “I forgot that was a rule.” I think I might’ve missed out on a few punishments in my life: You’re not supposed to ditch class? Sorry. I forgot that was a rule. Doing your homework completely and turning it in on time is important? Sorry. I forgot that was a rule. I’m not supposed to put the top to the convertible down in February? Sorry. I forgot that was a rule. (Would that have worked, Mom?)
“Actually,” Hadley says, “Bud gave me the idea to go up the slide so I guess it’s his fault.” Again – where was this kid when I was in high school? Sarah told me that just because I wasn’t allowed to cross Harlem didn’t mean I couldn’t drive the OTHER way towards the city. It’s her fault that we ended up driving down Lake Shore Drive. Or, Celena told me to just “leave a note” in my mom’s parking space at work letting her know we took the car when we were supposed to be in Geology.
It wasn’t time to look back, however. It was time to be a mother. Watch how well I do:
“Hadley! It’s not Bud’s fault! If Bud told you to jump in a lake would you do it?”
Hadley looks at me as though I am the stupidest person in the entire universe.
“What lake? There’s no lake! I’m talking about SLIDES.”
Good luck, Bud. I’ll do my best to stop the rumors and keep you out of danger, but you’re on your own with this slide thing.
I think I know where your inspiration for naming him “Bud” came from!
These relationships they start at this age are so funny! Will talks about this one girl all the time and tells me everything she says to him….too funny!
Haha, SO cute! 🙂 Love this: “What lake? There’s no lake! I’m talking about SLIDES.” Ha! I’m still laughing 🙂
Thanks for telling me all this stuff. 18 years later, you’re grounded.
And don’t persuade your friends to go by the gutter. . .that could be a post in itself.
Happy weekend, friend.
i’m with you, mrs. lewis! she should be grounded for those shenanigans!
I love this. Probably because I can so relate. I’m not a good rule follower. I think I’m always to busy to hear the rules to begin with. Rebellion is more fun. 😉
I notice you didn’t mention skipping out on French classes to go get McDonald’s fries. See, there are a few things I remember!
oh i am LAUGHING!
it sounds like you have your hands full. and poor bud!
and i just love that you pulled out the whole “if your friend jumped in a lake…” routine, but i guess this is a chain that will be broken, cuz clearly it was about slides 🙂