I lived with three girls in college. We tried to go to church on Sundays. “Tried” being the operative word here. Of the many things I learned at Calvin College, one of them was the term “Bedside Baptist.” You have to watch out for those Christian educated folk.
Anyway, one Sunday morning one of my roommates was looking at the bulletin (the fact that she had a bulletin before we were actually at church should be something of note, but perhaps that’s a post for another day…..but really, what 21 year old reviews a church bulletin before they go to church?). I believe I was looking at a bridal magazine wondering who Vera Wang was and whether her dresses were sold at David’s Bridal.
“Aw, crap,” she said, “I didn’t know there was communion today. I didn’t prepare for it at all.”
“Are you giving communion?” I asked while dog-earring a picture of a wedding dress with so much tulle that I wasn’t sure how one would fit it in one’s car. That’s what an SUV is for, right?
“No, I’m not giving communion. But I didn’t think about taking communion at all this week.”
“You mean you’re supposed to do that?” I slam my magazine shut. “Aw, crap.”
I thought about this conversation a lot last week as Thanksgiving approached. What kind of Thanksgiving post should I write? What am I thankful for? How should I prepare?
I used to keep “happy lists” in college. I would write down as many things as I could think of that made me happy that day. I was looking over some of them the other day and one of the items on my list from the beginning of my sophomore year of college was, “eating donuts and drinking coffee with my mom and Grandma in my dorm room.” They’d taken me grocery shopping and both agreed that now that I had started drinking coffee, it was vital I understood that having a donut with a cup of coffee is one of life’s greatest pleasures. So the three of us sat in my dorm eating donut holes and drinking coffee from my four cup “Mr. Coffee” pot, and it was delightful. I don’t remember what we talked about, but I do remember thinking that I was sitting with two culinary geniuses. Afterwords, my Grandma whipped a kleenex out of her pocket and began to dust my TV and dresser.
I didn’t put all that on my list, but I’m glad I remember it.
I don’t prepare for communion. I should. The truth is, though, that every time I think about preparing for it, I fondly think of my friend and I sitting across our kitchen table from each other on a Sunday morning. And in the silent space when we are to confess our sins I try to fight the thought that always enters my head, and that is, Good gracious this is so nice to sit and be silent.
I think it’s good to take note; of the sins and of what there is to be thankful for. When I think of my friend and I drinking the last sips of our coffee that Sunday morning, I am ashamed for my ignorance regarding communion as I am thankful for her friendship. Her lifelong friendship. Maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be – you are aware of the sin but thankful for the other stuff, too.
So I will post the sign Hadley made for Harper regarding her efforts in…..well….let’s say growing up this week. It wasn’t an easy sign for Hadley to write. Sure, the letters came easily for her, but what happened before was tough.
When Harper did what she did, I made a big deal of it. I screamed, “Good job!” and I gave her M & Ms. Hadley asked if she could have some too and I said that they were for Harper because of her efforts. Hadley ran into her room, crying. I went in after her and sat on her bed.
“I don’t want to be 5 any more,” she declared.
“Hadley, do you know how many days it took you to be potty trained?”
“About three. That’s it. And do you know how old you were?”
“Just two and a half.”
Hadley started laughing, so I continued. “Dad and I were so proud of you, and we made a huge deal because it was a huge deal! And we gave you loads of M&Ms.”
Hadley must’ve thought things were getting better because she sat on my lap.
“Besides, Hadley. There are so many things you can do that Harper can’t do yet. Like read, and write. You run really fast and you can skip…..” It was a lot like that scene in The Cosby Show when Claire Huxtable is in the tent with Rudy saying, “Yeaaaaaaa FIVE!”
Then I gave Hadley some M&Ms. And that’s when she made the sign for Harper.
I’m thankful for my friendships, and my daughters, and for wedding dresses with so much tulle it’s hard to fit in a car, and for coffee with dounts and a grandma who cleaned up the dust so I don’t have to do it…..because I’m not sure I would’ve noticed it anyway.
Because it’s nice to have a friend, or grandma, or mom who’ll sit with you in the dust and help you clean it up. And give you M&Ms. Or a donut. Or a super sized tulle wedding dress. Or just a sign that counts the ways a sister loves another sister.
(I’m linking this post up with Tuesdays Unwrapped over at Chatting at the Sky.)
What a cute story. To just be three. The sign is precious and who can beat an M&M. Hooking up at Tuesday’s Unwrapped.
This is gorgeous. Your words are like pictures. I can see your grandma,the dust, the donuts. I loved every word.
And while not a bedside Baptist, I do confess to enjoying occasional attendance at the Church of the Holey Comforter;)
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and your words there too:)
Love the quote in your header. Isn’t it sweet to note what is special to someone? And how those things can both change and stay the same over time. M&Ms may not be given to you for the same reasons at 35 that they are at 3 but when they are shared, it still blesses you.
i love “yeaaaa 5!” it is probably my most life-lasting moment from the cosby show. when each of my kids turned 5 i must have repeated it over and over again. all year.
your list of thankfuls make me smile… and i am imagining that wedding dress. and the donut. i don’t really have to imagine the dust {i have plenty.}
and preparing for communion? i never really thought of it either. but then when i was looking through our hymnal at church, i saw a pre-communion prayer, and a post-one, too. they bring my gifts i hadn’t thought of before!
I love your stories and how you laced them all together! Lovely 🙂
well this was simply delightful – coffee drinking, donut dipping, tulle wearing delightful. With a side of M&Ms. Thank you for linking with us and sharing your stories. All gifts.
Visiting from Chatting at the Sky…
Cute, cute, cute…
Thank you for sharing…
Great story. Best line? The super-sized tulle wedding dress. Nice.
ps Big Flannery O’Connor fan so of course, I like the quote.
I loved reading this…the bond with a girlfriend, mom, grand mom, daughter, all so good. And m&ms and donut holes to boot…too good! Plus your daughter’s sign is precious. Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. 🙂
Hi Callie! I haven’t been by for a while and have loved catching up on your blog! Love the post and love the talk you had with your first born……and love the focus on relationships! Hope your Thanksgiving was great!
lovely. i love your girls like they were my own. is that creepy? i love you too, dear friend.
again another worthy poop story!
btw your girls are adorable.
I’m having fun perusing your blog. This post especially, now that I met you, is like you are sitting next to me telling it. Love it.