Harper set up a tightrope for her guys to walk on.
Everybody lined up because they were excited to give it a try.
Some were so excited they fell down.
I think the guy in blue pants is STAFF.
Anyway, everything was set for the big event until Harper started yelling, “OH JESUS! JESUS! HE’S HUNGRY! HE CAN’T DO THE TIGHTROPE BECAUSE HE’S HUNGRY!”
So Harper put Jesus in the taxi, and the Zookeeper drove him to get some food.
Do you see him in the back?
Harper’s saying, “Don’t worry, Jesus. We’ll get you some food so you can walk the tightrope.”
Perhaps it’s time to share the whole walking on water thing with her. Or feeding the 5,ooo? I don’t know. Certainly the tightrope and the zookeeper are metaphors for something.
Love it! So adorable!!!
Love it!
How creative!!
She is too sweet and so thoughtful!
Absolutely hilarious 😉 Love creative play, and kids this age really do say the darnedest things!!
I’m so glad you shared this one! It’s so great 🙂