Any mother will tell you that it’s hard to get things done during the day. The obvious reasons are things like: taking kids to school or activities, breaking up fights, changing diapers, figuring out a meal that everyone will eat, making sure your child remembers to put her underpants on when she’s getting ready for school. Is that last one just me? OK then.
These are all valid explanations as to where the time goes and why I don’t have time to always make the bed or wipe the crumbs off of our table. But I have another reason, and that is this: words. More specifically, the words that come out of Hadley and Harper’s mouths. I find myself pausing a lot because I’m confused. Here are a couple of examples:
Hadley: Mama? Can I tell you something you should never say to someone who isn’t in your family?
Me: OK
Hadley: You should never dress your dog up and say, ‘Look! My dog looks just like your baby!’ That’s mean, right?
Me: Um….it’s probably not the nicest thing to say.
Hadley: But if they’re in your family, it’s OK, right?
I don’t know. What do you guys think?
Here’s another one:
Harper (screaming and crying): I HURT MYSELF!!!!!
Me (rushing towards her): Where did you hurt yourself?
Harper (pointing to the floor): RIGHT THERE!!!!
Me: Where did you hurt yourself on your body?
Harper: I didn’t hurt myself on my body.
This explains why when Jesse comes home and asks, “Are we not flushing the toilet anymore?” I can look at him blankly and say, “I honestly don’t know.”
hilarious! this is too funny…i feel like i have these moments all the time!
That was too funny 🙂 I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the dog one…I THINK I know what she meant…but you never know.